WintherStormer performed 3 sets of music, combined with lectures on analog synthesizers and demonatration of instruments and various controllers. In addition to the instrument WintherStormer used some instruments were set up so that the audience could participate and try out the instruments during the intermissions. Both kids, students and adults enjoyed the the music and action, and it gave the museum an added bonus and feeling of what the instruments in the exhibition were able to do.
Photos by Erik Stormer, Terje Winther and Marius Ystad:
The stage setup
Terje Winther´s rig
Erik Stormer explaining about analog synthese
Terje Winther performing on a joystick
WintherStormer (Erik Stormer to the left and Terje Winther to the right)
One of the visitors trying out an ARP Axxe
Another visitor trying out the Moog multimoog
Erik Stormer turning some knobs on the DIY modular
WintherStormer modulating some sounds on alternative controllers
Some instruments in the exhibition: Yamaha CS-80 and a dual Mellotron